Your vote can creat a future

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Your vote can creat a future

Empowering America's Future Today

Join the Movement That's Restoring the American Dream

Experience the leadership that’s ignited a resurgence of hope and prosperity in Florida, now ready to take the national stage. Governor Ron DeSantis has championed policies that put Americans first and paved the way for unprecedented growth and opportunity.

Empowering America's Future Today

Join the Movement That's Restoring the American Dream

Experience the leadership that’s ignited a resurgence of hope and prosperity in Florida, now ready to take the national stage. Governor Ron DeSantis has championed policies that put Americans first and paved the way for unprecedented growth and opportunity.

Ron, I love that you’re back.

If there was anything I could do to produce a more favorable outcome — more campaign stops, more interviews — I would do it. But I can't ask our volunteers to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory.

We look forward to ensuring President Donald Trump is elected in November.

The People Know the Truth

The American people know the truth. They know that I will be here to win in the near future .

Unveiling the Truth and Restoring Justice

For now i have to drop off, and support TRUMP AS THE RIGHT ONE FOR THIS TIME

Stand With Me

I Call On All Of You, My Fellow Patriots, To Stand With Me In This Fight.

Join Forces now

We Will Not Let The Forces Of Division And Despair Undermine Our Democracy.

Trump has shown himself to get beyond some of the most bitter fights with his enemies, and most of all he has shown that he LOVES THIS COUNTRY

I Won't Stop Until Justice Prevails.

Governor Ron DeSantis promises to bring to the entire nation the same level of dedication, prosperity, and security that has defined his governorship. A promise for:

  • Uncompromising defense of individual liberties
  • An economy that fosters innovation and rewards hard work
  • Unwavering support for law and order
  • An education system that puts parents and students first
  • A health care policy that protects the vulnerable and respects personal choice
  • A foreign policy that prioritizes America’s interests and fosters global stability

EconomicEconomic Revitalization

Policies that stimulate job growth and support businesses

Health Care Innovation

Enhancing care while reducing costs

National Security

Keeping America safe through strong defense and secure borders

Educational Freedom

Empowering parents and ensuring excellence in education

Together, Let's Reclaim America in 2024

Our Camapign Is Powered By Contributions From Supporters Like You

Become Our Volunteer

Join the community and stand alongside hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans.

a leader committed to integrity and the welfare of the people.